Hi again!
So, I've already written a bit on this blog, but i noticed that I have yet to tell you a bit about myself!
Here I have about 20 questions...actually, 21 questions...that I will answer about myself, so behold- the All About Me tag!
1. Was I named after anyone?
Traditionally in my dad's family, the kids are named after their grandparents (daughter named after the grandma and vice versa). My parents didn't want me to have such a common name (common in the family) so they decided to call me 'Martina' which was a variation on my nonna's name "Maria".
2. When was the last time I cried?
Ooh, personal! Actually, the last time I cried was of happy tears. My friend and I were in class when she decided to type a funny message in google translate. She thought it would read out loud in another language, but it readon full volume in english. People in our class heard and I laughed for hours after!
3. Do I have any kids?
I'm only 15, so no!
4. If I was another person, would I be friends with myself?
That's actually a hard one, because I can't actually see myself from someone else's point of view, but im a trustworthy friend, and I'd always be up for doing totally random things or giving advice, so yeah!
5. Do I use sarcasm often?
*sarcastic tone* of course, like all the time!
But seriously, I use it when someone is asking me something totally ridiculous. (In what world would I have been late to school because I went on a morning trip to Japan? !)
6 . Would I ever bungee jump?
Yeah, actually! I totally love action thrill activities, so I could totally see myself doing that someday.
7. Favourite cereal?
I know these aren't sold in Australia, but I absolutely love lucky charms. Marshmallows in your cornflakes, what more could you want? !
8. First thing I notice in a person?
This may seem strange, but I notice their expression and body language! Their mood sets basically how they act, so I guess thats maybe why I notice that first.
9. Eye colour?
My eyes are hazel brown :)
10. Scary movie or happy ending?
I get real paranoid when I see a scary movie, so happy ending. Also, I hate unfinished storylines, so happy endings make ME happy!
11. Favourite smells?
Odd question... um, I love the smell of candy, food, sweet/floral perfumes, LYNX deodorant!
12. Summer or winter?
Although I was born in winter, I LOVE summer. Everyone seems to be out more and having fun!
13. Computer or television?
You can do so much more on computers, and from a computer I can see any show I want anyway.
14. The furthest away I've been from home?
If by that it means furthest from my house, then that would be Europe. If it means furthest from my parents/family, that would be my 6th grade excursion to canberra or something haha :)
15. Do i have any special talents?
Um... I can touch my chin with my tongue? But I'm actually good at my subjects at school, and I can sing (at least i think I can! )
16. Where was I born?
17. Do I have any hobbies?
I love singing, reading books/magazines, trying new looks with makeup or fashion, and recently I've gotten really into dj-ing.
18. Do I have any pets?
I have a cat. We used to have a dog too, but he passed away 3 years back. We plan to add some new dogs to our family next year though.
19. Favourite movie?
There are sooo many I love, but one of my favourites is the croods. I know its animated, so not really an actual movie, but my family and I had so much fun comparing the characters to ourselves, I could not stop laughing!
20. Do I have any siblings?
Yes, two younger sisters!
21. What do I want to be when I grow up?
I really don't know yet, but I love creative things (design, creating, music). I'm also good with managing, but who knows what I'll be. As long as I'm happy, I'm good.
So thats it, I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think in the comments below.
I tag anyone who wants to do this!!